
Monday, 11 July 2016

7 ways for Weight lose

1. Don’t skip breakfast.
Don’t skip breakfast. It is important to start up your metabolism. Hunger sets in long before it’s time for lunch, so those who haven’t had breakfast often reach for snacks that are high in fat or sugar

2. Ditch the elevator for the stairs.

Taking the stairs can shrink your waist by almost 2% in 12 weeks.

3. Memorize this handy guide to help you estimate portions.

5. Learn what you’re really craving.

When you think you’re craving candy, you may just be craving sugar. Eating a piece of fruit can eliminate this quickly. The more you know about what your body really wants, the more likely you are to find a healthy alternative and feel satisfied.

6. Ditch your chair for a standing desk.
There are tons of benefits from getting a standing desk, one being that you’ll lose weight.

7. Put your food on smaller plates. Extra points if the dishware is blue!

Prone to overeating? Putting your food on smaller plates will help you eat only the amount you should. For something a little extra, use blue plates. The color blue can act as a appetite suppresent. Grab this adorable dishware 

Obsessing over losing weight can become counterproductive. Stress does crazy things to your body and you will have a harder time losing weight if you stress about it. So stay calm and eat clean.

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